The Story So Far...
The man you see before you was once a sweet baby boy. Born in Georgia, moved to Massachusetts and raised on pinball, he has blossomed into an innovator and creator that wants to watch the world grow.
Hi, my name is Tyler Gragg and I like to make robots. When I graduated high school, I knew I wanted to be some sort of engineer, and, after touring all sorts of colleges, I settled on a little college called Southern Polytechnic State University to pursue a Mechatronics Engineering degree. Soon after deciding to attend SPSU, I was notified that the school was merging with the much larger Kennesaw State University. With mixed feelings about the merger, I moved onto campus Fall of 2015 and fell in love with it. I found friends, creators, and dreamers all wanting the same thing: to make the world better and brighter.
What really started to change the game was when I began working on individual personal projects. I made things from battlebots to robot arms, and thus began my love of making. This spirit of creativity is what drives me to be better and to make cool things.
After graduation from undergrad in 2020, I started a MS in Computer science at Georgia Tech focusing on Computer Vision and Robotics. From classes to lab work, I loved every second of Georgia Tech and got a taste of what robotics looks like in the real world.
After the masters, I moved up to Massachusetts to work on Autonomous Underwater Vehicles full time and am loving every day of it.
So, Let’s Make Robots!