AuburnHacks 2019


AuburnHacks 2019 was held in February at the Auburn University and was a 24-hr hackathon. One of my team members worked at a hospital and wanted to make a hack that could save lives, so that’s what we did. Our hack integrated with 12 different Google Cloud APIs and would verbally let doctors know when an unconscious person was allergic to certain medicines. It also alerts your loved ones with your location.


The biggest limitation with this project was trying to get it to run on a phone. My team really wanted to learn how to get mobile app development working, but couldn’t seem to figure it out. As I was in charge of making the Google Cloud APIs work together, I didn’t get a chance to look at the back end of development.



This app was designed to let medical professionals know when you have allergies to certain medications or other things they should be aware of. The plan for this app was pretty simple. Firstly, we collect the user’s current GPS location using the Google Cloud API. Next, we check to see if they are currently inside a hospital, and, if they are, we start a timer. If that timer reaches zero, then we put an alert on the user’s phone to let the medical professionals know that you have an allergy to certain medications or other health concerns.

I was in charge of the Google Cloud API, so I started out small. I integrated the Google Geolocation API, which gets the user’s current location, and the Google Places API, which tells you what is around you at any given time. I used these two in tandem with each other to pinpoint if a user’s current location was inside of a hospital, and, if so, it triggered the timer. I was actually able to accomplish this fairly quickly as I had good experience with the Google Cloud API from last hackathon I went to Dubhacks18.

I quickly realized that I was not going to be terribly helpful to my teammates trying to figure out the back-end web development side of things, so I created a new goal for myself: See how many Google APIs I could integrate. The final number was 12 different APIs, most of which were completely unnecessary. For example, I use the Gmail API to send an email to the user’s pre-defined emergency contacts. In that email I display the difference in elevation between the hospital and the emergency contacts address. The full list of APIs I used is available on the Devpost, or you can look through the Github.

At the end of the day, we were a team that didn’t know each other, but were able to pull off something really cool! We ended up getting first place in one of their categories, and I’m looking forward to next year.


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